Sunday 13 January 2019

Viral diseases - How to servive season change ?


In Bharat (India), we see that people often get sick (usually know as Viral) during the change of season. Kids are the most affected of all. One child in class is enough to spread Viral to the whole class. Did we think about the reason of this ? Are we not giving our kids the best food ? Are we not taking good care of our family and kids ? There is something that we are missing here.

We stay in clean houses. Schools are clean. Kids are taught to stay with hygiene. We don't allow our kids to play in dirt. Then friends what is missing ? Where are we failing to save our kids from the viral ? South Asia, Bharat in particular is blessed with six seasons. Every season change our kids fall sick. This is more when rainy season and winter season comes.

इस लेख को हिंदी में पढ़िए - हिंदी संस्करण

Let us see how we can keep ourselves and kids healthy with simple and effective methods at home. These small things done regularly, will improve the immune system of each and every person in the family.

The below kaddha (Tea) is for one person. You can multiply in accordance to the number of people.

1.   Take one Amla (green amla fruit, Phyllanthus emblica in english) and remove its seed.
2.   Take 7 leaves of Tulsi. (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
3.   Take 7 leaves of Pudina. (Mint Leaves)
4.   Take 7 cloves of Kali Mirch (Black Pepper)
5.   1/2 inch of Adrak (Ginger)
6.   1/2 inch of Green Haldi (Green Turmeric, mostly available in winter season)

Crush all the above and boil it in one glass of water. Remove the same when the water is nearly half glass and strain the same. This should be drunk early in the morning and empty stomach. Ensure not to take any food or tea for next 30 min of having this.

We should take this twice or thrice a week and if the winter is too chilly, can be taken daily.

Note : Any person taking Gaumutra or Gau ark on regular basis, will not have any problem in any season... :-)

Dhanyawaad ...

- गव्यसिद्धा अमिताभ भटनागर
मलती गौषधि प्रा. ली.
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